Thursday, September 17, 2015

Such a fun day at Russellville High School

Mrs. Carroll's Hobbies class -
note the Flat Stanleys!
       Many thanks to librarian Debbie Nale of Russellville High School, who invited us to speak to RHS students! We enjoyed so much meeting the wonderful students there. Here is a picture of Mrs. Rachelle Carroll's Hobbies class -- that's right, a class on Hobbies! Wish that class had been around when I was in high school. They were participating in a Flat Stanley project with high school students in South Korea. Students from RHS took pictures with Stanley experiencing different aspects of American life, wrote explanations of what Stanley was doing, and sent them to South Korea. As Mrs. Carroll says, "RHS students will now be able to introduce students across the globe to Rosie the Riveter and make a connection between America's proud history of military service and modern-day students in South Korea." What a great idea!

The Book Lovers Club was a delight, as well. This community service club is active and involved in many charities, and truly has a "We Can Do It!" spirit. You'll notice a lot of teal was worn that day, because of their Ovarian Cancer Month project.

And thanks to Debbie for piloting our book sales fund-raiser, in which schools can take the orders and handle the transactions, then keep a percentage of the book sales! (Email me at if you want details for your school.)

Thanks, RHS - we thoroughly enjoyed our visit!

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